Inferred Placement
If unspecified, the elaboration phase needs to assign offets for fields and addressable components.
Field placement
array suffix dictates the field width
If fieldwidth property is specified, then it must agree with the array suffix (9.7)
If there is no array suffix
inherit width from fieldwidth property. If not set, default to 1-bit (9.2.h)
addrmap defines properties lsb0/msb0
- If in lsb0 mode (default):
Pack against previous field starting from bit 0
- If in msb0 mode:
Pack against previous field starting from regwidth-1 (9.2 c,d,e)
- Who defines regwidth?
Default is 32
Address Placement
- ‘alignment’
Component’s address is a multiple of alignment
Must be ^2
Spec says: “if unspecified, alignment is based on register’s width.”
However, this is not consistent with ‘compact’ addressing rules. (ex. if accesswidth < regwidth). Instead, it looks like it is safe to assume that if the ‘alignment’ property is left undefined, then it essentially does not contribute to the resulting alignment.
Set in: addrmap, regfile
- ‘addressing’
Sets addressing modes:
- compact
tightly packed. Reg is aligned to ‘accesswidth’
Spec does not say what the alignment is for other components
For now, assuming naive compact packing.
Rule checkers will detect if child regs are not aligned to ‘accesswidth’
- regalign
component’s start address is a multiple of its size
Spec implies that it may also be rounded up to next ^2 (see section 13.4.1-e)
- fullalign
Same as regalign except for arrays
start address alignment is size of entire array, rounded up to next ^2
Set in: addrmap
- ‘accesswidth’
Set in: reg
Calculating base address
A = Get alignment based on ‘alignment’ property, if any
B = Calculate alignment based on current addressing mode
C = Get alignment specified by ‘%=’ allocator, if any
resolved_alignment = max(A,B,C)
base address is next address that satisfies resolved_alignment
Calculating stride
By default, stride is assumed to be the size of the element.
Is it rounded to any alignment? “Array elements are aligned according to the individual element’s size” I’m interpreting that as no. just to the size of the contents Again, rule-checks will catch situations where a register’s accesswidth gets violated.