Arrays of Instances
Arrays of instances are implemented by pushing array details onto the component class being instantiated. This is most efficient since the size of the array has no impact on model footprint.
Component classes have two members to describe this:
.array_dimensions is a list of integers for every dimension of the array
The instantiation:
my_reg my_inst[32][8]
is encoded as:
.array_dimensions = [32,8]
If the component is not instantiated as an array, it uses the same class, array_dimensions is set to None.
No support for heterogeneous arrays
RDL spec allows parameters to be overridden via a dynamic property assignment. One feature described is the ability to modify a subset of an array of instances via dynamic assignment. This would result in an array of instances that no longer share the same properties.
For now, I see no convincing reason to support dynamic property modifications to sub-ranges of an instance array. Dynamic assignments will only be supported when modifying the entire instance array, and without using an array subscript (even if the subscript is a range that represents the entire array)
For example:
my_reg my_inst[16];
// Modifying all instances in the array is supported
my_inst->property = 1234;
// Modifying a subset is not supported
my_inst[2]->property = 1234;
my_inst[1:4]->property = 1234;
my_inst[0:15]->property = 1234;
Not only would this add a bunch of complexities to encoding this construct in a register model, but it also would make downstream outputs a nightmare. Having a heterogeneous array of something would require all kinds of nonsense tricks to be done in model outputs (C headers, Verilog RTL).
A heterogeneous array would also end up being pretty conceptually confusing to the end-user. It would be fundamentally better for the designer to simply break something up into separate sets of instances that have different behaviors.