The ‘Node’ User-interface
When traversing the tree, the user will interact with the object model solely through the simplified interface provided by the Node object.
Even though the Component class reference tree is an accurate representation of the compiled SystemRDL, it is cumbersome to use since all references are in the top-down direction (parent –> child). This makes upward traversal impossible for certain queries (absolute address, full path, etc):
/---> comp_X
top_comp --> comp_A[*] --> comp_B --> comp_C
The Node is an overlay class that is bound to each instance as the design is traversed hierarchically. Lineage of the node overlay is maintained in the bottom-up direction which completes bi-directional linking. The node overlay also provides current array index information so that references to specific instances are unambiguous:
/---> comp_X
top_comp --> comp_A[*] --> comp_B --> comp_C
| | | |
top_node <-- node_A[3] <-- node_B <-- node_C
\---- node_X
Direct RDL property access
Use the following method to lookup the value:
result = node.get_property('my_prop')
is implemented roughly as follows:
Is it in the component’s property dictionary?
if so, return the value
Otherwise, Is it even a valid property of this component type?
Return the default value as specified by the rulebook
If the rulebook contains <TBD> as the default, then a more dynamic resolution needs to be made